Lisa Wotkowicz Photography

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Let's look at it from this angle...

Hi Guys,

Just quick blog post today.  It's so gorgeous outside that I cannot allow myself to sit at my computer and edit all afternoon.  Hopefully you can get out and do the same!

The photography tip for today is: Angle.  

Think outside the box when shooting and try to get out of your comfort zone.  The same subject shot at several different angles produces several different outcomes. I know, it sounds like common sense, but when you see the final results it is truly eye opening.  So, put on your yoga pants, strap that gear around your neck and start squatting, bending, stretching and get the images you really love...

and the exercise you dread!

Take a peak at the images below of a rose bush in my yard.  Editing settings are the same throughout, no additional adjustments were made to any single image.  Look how amazingly different the photos feel...