Smile today...

Do you ever scroll thru your phone images or even better take out a photo album and come across an image that just brings a smile to your face. 

Whether it is because you snapped the moment and never truly looked at it or time has elapsed and the memory is becoming hazy. 

I take hundreds of photos and in the tedious process of editing and being against the clock to get it all done, sometimes I miss truly "looking" at an image. I'm looking for the color tweak, the shadow, the blemish, the crop..anything I feel that needs attention to improve the final result. I sometimes miss the real reason I snapped that moment in time...what really caught my attention behind the lens to begin with.

This is that image today. I came across it as I was working. This photo of my son in all his pure happiness looking out at the waters. An unrehearsed moment, just a blip of life caught and forever captured in time.

This is why photography is so near and dear to my heart. It holds life forever still to smile at.  So today, take your phone out or scroll thru an old album and find your reason to smile. 

